First Baptist Church
Coffee Springs

Our plan is that every individual who becomes a member of this church will follow along this process in becoming a mature disciple of Jesus Christ. First, they will come to Know God as their creator and redeemer by understanding the message of the gospel and responding in faith and repentance. Next, they will learn what it mans to Follow Christ through individual and group Bible study. Finally, they will begin to Serve Others by using their gifts to serve within the church and by being on-mission for God, both in the local community and wherever He may lead.
The clear vision of the church is to make disciples. Jesus instructed us to do so in the Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:18-20.
Our goal at FBCCS is to be obedient to these instructions by having a clear process of discipleship:
Know God...Follow Christ...Serve Others
FBCCS has five core values:
Worship, Discipleship, Prayer, Missions, and Fellowship.
The town of Coffee Springs is a small community with a population of around 200 people. It is a quiet community but one that is filled with a friendly atmosphere. The town has a post office, a very active senior center, and J & J's Place at the Springs where they offer swimming, camping, concessions, and putt-putt golf. While there are not many businesses in town, Coffee Springs is centrally located between Enterprise, Geneva, and Samson.